Saturday, August 17, 2013

Sing Sweet Nightengale...

I've been slacking off on this blog. :(
Don't hate me. It's just increasingly difficult to dress up a pregnant avatar. But! I have good news. The Muses just made that task a little easier with not one.. not two.. but THREE new releases!
Better yet, they come in regular non-preggo versions too!

Not only can you dress for RP, but the dresses themselves have some epic cleavage goin on here. Seriously. I can't stop staring. The textures are brilliant, as always, and I'm thrilled we're getting more RP options from our favorite RP designers. 
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On Renna:
Hair - Magika - Nine
Headband - Cae - Dazzle - Tiara (Found at Collabor88)
Neckalce - Yummy - Midsummer Blossom Necklace - Egg Shell (Found at previous Collabor88)
Dress - the muses. Regina dress - Maternity - Lilac (NEW RELEASE)
Shawl - +Lika Ruby+ Shawl - A(white) 

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